
Diamonds Are Everybody's Best Friend

One upon a time the saying went: "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." Well, times have change and so has the use of this glittery magic. The lure of this precious treasure has always been surrounded by a great deal of mystery and adventure, as it often has been used as the ultimate symbol of the grand prize; representing a life of economic independence.

But that is the quest for it. The Heroes Journey coming to an end after fighting his way through fire-breathing dragons and conquering evil sorcerers. The public display of a black diamond necklace or hoop diamond earrings was for a long time a privilege solely at the disposal of a woman's persona.

Times They Are A-Changing

With the introduction of the over the top flair of hip-hop, this has all changed. A diamond studded wristwatch, with the ground philosophy of the more the merrier, is as a vital part of any serious rapper's equipment as a pair of brand labeled sneakers.

Nowadays, there is no place they do not fit: cover your bed-poles with their tinkling, put them on the hub-caps to your vintage piece of show-off as you hydraulic your way down the street with your elbow casually peeking out your rolled down window. You can put them on your teeth and make that million dollar smile double up.

For The Cautious

Now, the in your face flash of modern-day hip-hop may not be for everyone, but fact is that times when a diamond stud earring were a trademark for the female gender are long gone. Men diamond bracelets are marketed in every jewelry store you walk into, and to sport a watch stylish studded with carats full of bling, are an accustomed accessory found with the CEO as well as the NBA All Star.

And it's use continue to ooze downwards into all layers of society as everybody hungers for the appearance it gains you. It's not even hardly a question of money anymore as frequent diamond jewelry wholesale makes it affordable to the bus-driver and the night-shift nurse if they have the inclination for it.
And hardly anybody would raise an eyebrow if the hairy wrist of the school janitor was to be gift-rapped with a bracelet perfectly in tune with his workers overall.

The Jeopardy Question: What Is Forever?

That may be its strongest selling point. Give your loved one a pair of pink diamond earrings and when you are both wheeling away on your walkers at the retirement home, you can still see them glimmer in her slightly more wrinkled ear lobes, like they've recently been spit-shined. The 55 years that has passed since you gave them to her, that precious moment on a long-stretched beach at sunset, will seem like they've gone by in a blink. That is the true beauty and allure that this mythical piece of hardly squeezed coal holds in our collective imagination. So the answer is of course: Diamonds are forever.

This article is about the allure of Diamonds, and how they have affected us throughout history.

