
East China International Jewelry City of Hongkong will promote caused a sensation, China jewelry ne

in September 19th, much of the world jewelry circles East China Zhuji International Jewellery city of Hongkong will promote, in Hongkong the Jun Yue Hotel hall is held ceremoniously.This is the Zhuji East China International Jewelry City following the June 5th the United States of America Las Vegas referral after again faced with large international investment seminar.

This seminar by Zhejiang Zhuji city hall and the Zhuji East China International Jewelry City limited company to sponsor, support organizations including the Hongkong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese manufacturers' Association of Hongkong, the Hongkong Chinese Enterprises Association, the Hongkong Youth Industrial Association, Hongkong jewelry manufacturers, Hongkong jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association, Hongkong Gemstone Manufacturers will, Hongkong pearl, jade industry chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce and industry, Hongkong jeweller golf club, Hongkong, by the Hongkong international The Pr People Consultancy Limited to undertake.

this seminar is the world's third largest Hongkong jewelry exhibition held during the period, Hongkong gathered in the world mainly jewelers, East China International Jewelry city appearance caused the international jewelry industry great echo.

The fair is not only to attract international jewelry exhibition of the numerous exhibitors, buyers and domestic and foreign chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, government leaders, representatives of many countries and regions of the consulate and Commercial Counselor, also attracted the United States "national jewelry magazine", "Pearl", "World Journal of Hongkong Wen", "Ta Kung Pao" English newspaper, "tiger", "Hongkong daily", "Ming", "phoenix" and dozens of domestic and foreign media and the international jewelry industry media such as thousands of people participated in.

Inside the hall full of guests, atmosphere is enthusiastic, fully reflects the industry on the East China International Jewelry City project concern degree, exceptionally grand occasion, but the Hongkong jewelry industry for decades, has ever seen.

launches first by the East China International Jewelry City holding company of Hongkong Minsheng Group Chairman Zheng Songxing of the guests do a speech, and project development idea and development target in brief.

Zheng chairman emphasizes, East China Zhuji International Jewellery city project seeks to integrate the existing Zhuji pearl industry resource advantages, to build a world-class pearl jewelry trade center, Zhuji, and China to promote the development of jewelry industry, enhance the international competence of Chinese jewelry industry.

subsequently, the Zhuji municipal Party committee secretary Zhang Zhongcan delivered a speech on Zhuji ebullience, location, history of Zhuji, Zhuji economy, Zhuji pearl industry and development status were introduced.

Secretary Zhang pointed out that, after nearly 40 years of development, Zhuji has established the World freshwater pearl industry centre, Zhuji is not only the world's largest freshwater pearl production, also has the world's largest pearl trading market, is the world's advanced area of pearl processing technology.

Secretary Zhang clear to fully enhance the core competitiveness of Zhuji pearl industry, China Everbright industry of our country nation, strengthen our country in the world of pearl jewelry industry dominant position, build international pearl marketing center has become the key goal of economic construction of Zhuji city hall, and will vigorously support the Pearl Industry and East China International Jewelry City Project development.

then, the Chinese jewelry jade jewelry industry Association vice president and Secretary General Mr. Sun Fengmin speech, sun secretary-general thinks China jewelry industry development needs a higher platform to promote and upgrade, and East China International Jewelry City is shouldering such a mission.

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2007 Platinum Jewelry Market Review

According to Johnson Matthey's latest release On the contrary, due to the strong support of the economic environment, as well as the consumer of platinum jewelry passion and increase in purchase demand (data from all retailers, consumer purchases remains stable or rising), 2007 platinum jewelry demand rise. Shanghai Gold Exchange data show that, in October 2007, after the rise of the price of platinum, reduce trading volume, but higher than the 2006 purchase platinum purchases.

review the platinum market in 2007, can be described as both opportunities and challenges. Platinum Guild International in 2007 as a long-term commitment to the the platinum market healthy development of the industry organization, based on the needs of industry and consumers, and a series of work, which mainly include:

innovation, a new platinum jewelry boom

wedding market, the association at the end of the year were held in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chengdu, two a world 08 platinum wedding ring series conference, more than 100 media outlets and nearly one hundred fifty manufacturers, retailers in attendance.

for the wedding market Association commissioned in the first half of the internationally famous movie star Zhang Ziyi Miss as platinum Greater China image spokesperson, has also introduced a series of new non-wedding jewelry hot pursuit.

the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games for the first time launched platinum jewelry Souvenirs platinum by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee to invoke make commemorative significance platinum wedding ring series Olympic licensed products.

2007 Nian, Platinum Guild International to continue to expand the city limits of market activities and product launch, the second half of the year, the non-wedding series of market activity increased from the original 10 cities to 15 cities, while the wedding series of activities are also 10 cities to 16 cities.

technological breakthroughs, the promotion of platinum-ruthenium alloy

Platinum Guild International Jewellery Fair in Shenzhen in September formally introduced to promote a Pt950 platinum-ruthenium alloy, this alloy technology is widely used in the U.S. and European markets into the Chinese market. The trial of the alloy in the Association designated 15 manufacturers achieved a good response, and also won the National Standardization Committee recognized jewelry.

in-depth training, aurora platinum action

the Platinum Aurora adjustment and expansion, an increase of novel, more easily accepted training practices; expand the scope of training, covering the cities of platinum jewelry sales. Three to more than ten months of December, more than 2,000 salespeople have been trained; contrast has greatly improved efficiency and effectiveness in the past year. The end of 2007, the association on the basis of the initial training, the training of supervisors and management training pilot, and in 2008, based on feedback from the pilot to continue to promote sound.

the platinum market prosperity bloom. 2007 in accordance with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council survey of 3,000 adult women in 10 major cities in Mainland China, in Shanghai and Beijing and other major cities, about half the respondents said they had purchased in the past 2 years, platinum jewelry; while talking about future, an average of more than 70% of respondents said they intend to buy platinum jewelry again, the data in Shanghai, Chongqing and Wuhan, more than 80%. Platinum jewelry has gained not only in the Chinese market, and also great potential in the future.

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unified service

Tak Sun jewelry and jewelry in Zhejiang Association of common jewelry marketing of Changzhou jewelry business eager to learn from the experience of Yiwu     jewelry industry sales model has been decided to professional jewelry market to ensure the operating households interests of key factors.
14, Changzhou Tak Sun jewelry pedestrian street in Zhejiang province with the jewelry industry association for docking, pin symposium, Zhejiang Market Strategy Institute, Zhejiang jewelry industry association, Yiwu jewelry industry association and China jewelry network stakeholders, as well as Changzhou Tak Sun jewelry pedestrian street business households represent and jewelry buyers representatives gathered together, discussion on Marketing of jewelry.
Yiwu market concept concern     meeting, market strategy research institute and the jewelry industry association of experts on Yiwu market in recent years achievement and advantage made detailed analysis, summed up Yiwu jewelry market characteristics.
Experts think, Yiwu jewelry market to have so large development space and so rapid development rate, jewelry mall management plays a very important role.In the Yiwu area of the large and medium-sized Jewelry Mall, shopping on the operators to actively implement the "centralized management, free enterprise" way, shopping malls unified planning, unified business, unified management, unified promotion, unified service, create neat, standard, orderly, safe shopping environment, to create a "street street" features business model; in addition, the "water pisciculture" means the market cultivation, low cost encourage businesses to set up operations, through a series of business training means, Rangli business households, households and businesses support, common development.
    after listening to expert analysis and summary, Changzhou Tak Sun jewelry pedestrian street business households represent and jewelry buyers representatives have put forward their own problem, obtained by expert group solutions, period, meeting once a lively debate about the situation, not only is the discussion between experts and business households, households and jewelry buyers are also optimistic about the discussion and Analysis on the market of all aspects of the problem, discuss the sales model approach.
Tak Sun jewelry jewelry in Changzhou pedestrian street into a new opportunity for development of     currently, Changzhou jewelry industry still remain in the traditional sales model, product after several links before finally reach the terminal customers.
For example, the market manages to Yiwu or Guangzhou stock market, and then to some retailers, and then through the retailer before finally reaching consumer hand.This kind of management pattern malpractice is: commodity circulation cycle long, layers increases so that high commodity prices, the profits of small retail stores; the product is similar, lack of personality, the price of chaos.
    Changzhou Tak Sun jewelry pedestrian street grafting Yiwu market cultivation, management mode, development company and a customer, common development of market strategy, establish sales channels, tissue distribution network.
In 3000 the home jewelry manufacturers selected out of nearly 100, and Tokunobu jewelry Street docking, to help businesses supply organizations, improve the purchase channels, reduce the purchase of intermediate links, to achieve and source market (Yiwu) the "seamless joint", so that the market in the periphery of similar market with low cost advantage, step by step guide retail to wholesale forward, forming a manufacturers and buyers, the buyer and the seller, sale and display platform, based in Changzhou, radiation Su Xichang, become Changzhou's largest jewelry trading platform.
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style into the channel

In recent years ,China jewelry industry development gradually accelerated ,more and more a person of noble aspirations through means such as jewelry chain ,to this industry ,to realize their entrepreneurial dreams of nuggets .
However ,China jewelry industry development is still in its infancy ,jewelry chain industry is lack of necessary standard and cultivation .Marketing skills and training system the lack of clearly becomes jewelry practitioners on development road is one of the main obstacles .
  ;  ;a ,China jewelry industry sales form before 2000, our country market is not a real sense of jewelry industry .At the time of the jewelry is associated mainly with furniture ,gifts ,flowers ,bedding and other products were distributed for sale .
After 2000, as China rise, Guangzhou ,Shanghai ,Beijing, the jewelry consumption costs began to rise .So ,in 2000 after some small jewelry store franchise .  ;  ;large city jewelry marketing trend is :some foreign large Multi-National Corporation value in China jewelry market .
Nearly two years especially since this year ,some large stores have introduced a special jewelry area .Jewelry franchise as well as shopping malls counters are the main two sales channels .  ;  ;small and medium-sized city of jewelry sales trend : due to income level and other aspects, it still retains the previous sales .
Namely with the flower shop ,gift shop in the form of jewelry sales ,its products are generally more ordinary jewelry ,product quality is low ,but in recent years also gradually toward the big city sales model changes .
  ;  ;in recent years ,the traditional jewelry wholesale has not the main mode ,the terminal leading multi-channel distribution pattern has gradually become the main channel of jewelry industry at the present stage .
At the same time ,brand franchise chain with their scale of operation of the advantages to form a new commercial layout .In 2005, with South Korea jewelry brand landed in China ,its great brand ,price ,management ,service ,promotion ,training ,joined the chain system support and other advantages ,China jewelry industry will change the traditional operation mode ,for the vast number of investors to hatch success to open shop mode, so that in the mainland of China ,small investors has its benefits .
  ;  ;although the current domain change make jewelry distribution to terminal as the dominant ,but the traditional jewelry wholesale markets ,small shops and individual franchise stores and distribution channels ,and the chain of franchise stores, traditional jewelry stores, traditional brand stores ,flagship store ,the main store ,online ordering and other emerging terminal coexist in the same market conditions ,over a period of time will continue to .
  ;  ;two ,China jewelry industry main trend from China jewelry industry development process ,jewelry industry currently in a stable ,rapid development stage .The next 3 to 5 years, with the sustained and rapid economic growth ,as well as people life level unceasing enhancement ,the jewelry industry consumption will be more and more big step forward .
At the same time ,with the development of society ,people ideas continue to evolve, poineering consciousness increases ceaselessly ,people will no longer put money in the bank ,but to the money ,the limited funds to the appreciation of space of jewellery .
Through struggle to realize capital infinite return ,these are bound to the jewelry industry brings a large number of agents and dealers to join channels such as the fn .  ;  ;at present, jewelry, the basic development trend of concrete can be summarized as follows :  ;  ;A ,the extension of jewelry .
From previous jewelry and hand decorated ,foot ornaments ,pectoral, package decoration ,decoration ,table decoration ,decorative bed and room decoration ,people pursue in the life each aspect of matching .
  ;  ;B ,jewelry cute and compact trend .Japan and South Korea and the United States in which the cartoon culture plays an important role ,in jewelry ,lovely cartoon image can be seen everywhere, also welcome .
  ;  ;C ,jewelry daily trend .Festivals and personal anniversary rise to importance ,interpersonal symbolic development make jewelry demand quantity and purchase frequency rises considerably .
Mainly in by the constellation ,the couple as the symbol to represent the related accessories sales .  ;  ;D ,the low-end jewelry development .From the material ,style into the channel ,jewelry civilians tend tendency of popular very prominent .
  ;  ;data from the survey we discover not hard ,quality and cheap is the consumer to choose jewelry two primary considerations .Enhance the low-end jewelry quality ,we should follow the trend of .
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